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In the forest
Hiking in the forest is always a good opportunity for reflection and psychoanalysis
Lake Doxa
Walking around Lake Doxa, Peloponnese, Greece
Lake Doxa
Walking around Lake Doxa, Peloponnese, Greece
Lake Plastira
Τhe mist spreads in Lake Plastira, Greece.
View from above
The view from the top is worth the hike!
Οld stone bridge in epirus
Οld stone bridge in epirus
Walking in ancient trails
Walking in ancient trails
Rio bridge
Rio bridge from another point-of-view
Stimfalia Lake
The mythical lake in which Hercules fought the Stymphalian Hens
Stimfalia Lake
The mythical lake in which Hercules fought the Stymphalian Hens
Sunset by the sea
Sunset by the sea at Karystos city, Euboia island, Greece
The last sunset of the year
Enjoying the last sunset of the year 2023 at Karystos city (Euboia island, Greece)
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